Archive for November, 2011

I just finished reading Leonora Tubbs Tisdale’s Preaching as Local Theology and Folk Art since my wife had recently purchased it, I figured I’d give it a read.  I wasn’t terribly impressed.  I didn’t really disagree with much that Tubbs Tisdale said, but that’s mostly because she didn’t say much.  Perhaps, I’m being a bit […]


A month or so ago, I finished reading Peter Rollins new book, Insurrection: To Believe Is Human To Doubt, Divine, after being blown away by his earlier book, How (Not) to Speak of God.  Rollins had billed it as being very controversial, but I didn’t particularly see why other than using terms like “a/theism” to […]


I recently read Jeff Sharlet’s Sweet Heaven When I Die: Faith, Faithlessness, and the Country In Between.  It is a collection of essays loosely bound under a theme of religious expression, mostly exploring faith on the margins.  I found most compelling, my favorite essays being the following: Chapter 3, “Begin With the Dead” on prophetic […]
